QuickBuild Support
We judge much of our success on how well we have supported our clients. If you have any questions, please use one of the options below.

Browse the documentation
Many of your most common questions are answered here. We've carefully documented almost everything about QuickBuild in this wiki.
Documentation search

Ask the PMEase community
Post a question. Search previous threads. Participate in community conversations with our customers, developers. The forums are monitored actively by our developers. We will try to answer every question on the forum, however it is not guaranteed.
Community search

Submit the issues
Find a bug in QuickBuild? Have a cool idea for improving QuickBuild? Just submit it to our issue tracking system. Maybe the next killer feature in QuickBuild is from you.

Commercial service
We provide below commercial service items to users who purchased commercial license of QuickBuild:
- Submit prioritized support requests. Our developers will reply to your support requests via email as soon as possible, with a guaranteed response time of two business days. Support requests need to be submitted by login to our web site, or from within QuickBuild through the Administration menu.
- Generate permanent site licenses for any versions released before service expiration date.
- Download source code for any versions released before service expiration date.
The commercial service is delivered on a per-site basis. To get the commercial service for a particular site, you will need to:
- Purchase commercial license for the site to get the service key.
- Register a service account at pmease.com
- Activate the service account using the delivered service key.
- Now you will be able to get the service mentioned above by login to your service account.
The service will expire after one year since you purchased the commercial license. After that, you will need to renew the service in order to get the commercial service. Please note that service expiration does not prevent you from using your existing QuickBuild version. It only takes back the right of submitting prioritized support requests and generating site licenses for any new versions.
Ask us anything
If you have any questions regarding QuickBuild, licenses, payments, upgrades etc., and can't find the answer to your question, contact us directly!